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Authentic Leadership Abundance And Collaborating


What is your destiny?

What are your assumptions about what collaboration and leadership is? Can you manage your expectations?

Your destiny is designed for bringing forth our future.

Approach your co-creative leadership.

Feel the initiative impulse of life. Let the evolutionary impulse float through our century. The creative impulse of life. From your inner space. Invite human companionship. Unleash the power of the collective field.

Begin to see our coming generations.

Acknowledge your impact. Feel the energetic power of your past. Yourself being a recipient from your history and a giver and creator for human flourishing!

A future where we all build upon our unique gifts, build partnerships and form a global enlightened culture.

Are you willing to take responsibility? Start to manage your own boundaries? Cultivate your own independent calling?

You are holding the power in your hands to consciously shape the life and future of the world. Use the power that you have. Align with the sence of yourself.

Step into your inner self and who you are as a powerful co-creative leader.

Stand together in the creative process of life.

Awaken to something larger than yourself. There is nothing to fear. You are held.

Your voice matters. Bring it forth. You are not separate from others. Have trust in your big dreams.

Make Time for Your Leadership, Abundance and Prosperity, and Abundance and Prosperity Will Make Time for You!

What do you think?

What are your experiences?

Comment below or share this blog discussion in social media if this resonnates with you.

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Enjoy your beautiful Summer Day!


For Your Alchemy,

Katrine : )

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Make Vibrant Quantum Leaps Towards Mastering Your BodySoulAlchemy™ Business on The Telesummit of Your Dream Pilot Program

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3 Responses to Authentic Leadership Abundance And Collaborating

  1. Så flott at du ble inspirert Anne Lill! Det er som du skriver, fantastisk hva som åpenbarer seg, både privat og som entreprenør, når en åpner for egen unike ‘alignment med source’, eller egen hjertekraft, som kan passe på norsk ; ) Herlig at du tør å følge din indre kraft! Erfaring viser at det å våge åpner opp for møter, muligheter og samarbeidskonstellasjoner en vanskelig kan forhåndsplanlegge eller sette opp på et ‘vision board’. Slik åpner vi opp for noe større enn oss, og hjertekraftens magi kan gi både uventet økonomisk profitt og vakker personlig vekst.

    Hjertet vårt er et uovertruffent organ på mange plan! Fysisk, mentalt, energetisk, epigenetisk… og er dokumentert sjefen over hjernen ; )

    Takk for dine flotte hjertegode tips i dag. Spennende at du faktisk har deltatt i en hjerteundersøkelse og fikk se en annen sitt hjerte! Fasinerende øvelse og nyhetsbrevet ditt kan varmt anbefales!

    Nyte friheten videre, og lykke til til oss begge! : )