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Global Healing Circle For Aurora, Colorado

Global Healing Circle for Aurora, Colorado, with Marianne Williamson, Katherine Woodward Thomas & Claire Zammit

Dear all of you,

We are all deeply impacted by the events that took place in Aurora, Colorado. In the aftermath of such a horrific event, many of us are feeling emotional and also wanting to know what we can do to support healing and evolution for our world.

In response, we want to invite you to join for a LIVE Global Healing Circle today at 8am Pacific Time.

Our hearts and prayers are with those who are recovering from injuries and for the families of those who lost their loved ones, as well as to all who are feeling the ripples of this terrible trauma. Lets come together to create the space to bring love, healing and consciousness to this sad tragedy, and join our energies towards the creation of a safer, more caring and humane society.

Dear God,
In Your hands we place
our saddened hearts and troubled souls.
Pour forth Your grace on Aurora, Colorado.
Gift comfort and healing to those who suffer,
and heavenly peace to those who died.
What have we become dear God, that such darkness has descended?
Please purify our hearts of whatever forces would lead to this despair.

Please join us today.

With love, Claire & Katherine

P.S. Please share this invitation with your friends and family, all welcome.

From your Alchemy Host Katrine Legg Hauger:

Upcoming Alchemy of YES 8 Weeks FREE Pass Online Event October & November:

Info, dates, and by now 22 wonderful global speakers will be presented here:

Alchemy Evolution™ Summit 2012 – The Energetic BodySoulAlchemy™ Business Lovefest

Make Vibrant Quantum Leaps Towards Mastering Your BodySoulAlchemy™ Business on The Telesummit of Your Dream Pilot Program

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Alchemy Evolution Summit Movement:!/pages/Alchemy-Evolution-Summit-Movement/179529402122319

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