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Together We Are One – Alchemize Your Dream Through Writing

Together We Are One – Alchemize Your Dream Through Writing

Dear co-creator,

Sometimes you can’t see why you were stuck until after you get unstuck. The alchemical language of your body, soul, heart-wisdom, hind-sight and high-sight integrates all there is and solves a lot of mysteries.

In the mean time, while you get to know your real story, you’ve got a new story to write, and it looks nothing like your past.

Throughout your being you have faced immense challenges and as a result grown all the more at a spiritual level. Illusions and old belief systems such as you have known it is losing its power over you, as it recedes into the background.

Yet as you embrace your vulnerability and wrestle with its influence upon you, and clear yourself of your links to the lower energies in the line of grace, you are facing a strong challenge.

We know it is difficult to throw off attitudes, ideas and beliefs, based on what you have been surviving and brought up to believe.

However, within you have all wisdom and knowledge and you should look there for the truth, and do not hesitate to move to a new understanding if you are in any doubt.

It was easy in the past to be judgmental because that was how people acted, but now you want to move to a new position where instead you see all souls and beings as part of a unity, the One.


Together we are one

Everyday in the now you can refuse to continue living their lie that you are all different.

Forget the physical differences, customs and religious beliefs, as behind all of that are ordinary human beings and beautiful souls as you are. In recognizing the oneness of everything you are taking your place along side of those ready to move further along the path of evolving with safety into new possibilities in the unknown.

You know now that your search for perfection is never ending, until you finally return to your source of all there is. Yet in your own way you have succeeded in overcoming all attempts to keep you from the truth. Your contribution is as important as anyone else’s, as without you it would be incomplete.

You may be leaving behind some unfinished business, but that no longer matters as you might have dealt with your important issues already.

You have learnt your lessons that have lifted you up, given you a forgiving attitude and even made further experiences of fulfillment, as you integrate your wounds and establish a new and more meaningful connection with the source of all there is – your higher self.

Unlike the past you can more easily tap the fountain of knowledge that your higher self or healthy parts of your soul holds, and will no longer need to rely on surviving strategies or others for your knowledge or understanding.

As you hold all knowledge within, I inspire you to trust in yourself for guidance and you will know intuitively whether you are making the right decisions.

This attitude and way of being will be one of immense gains for you, as you accept the ever flowing stream of high energies that continue to reach Mother Earth. Everything is speeding up even faster, and time will gradually cease to have the same relevance as previously.

The next part of your evolution is with Mother Earth, to co-create a world where humanity is growing exponentially and becoming more conscious.


Evolve by choice not chance?

The most important person is you, as it is you who determine where your journey takes you. You choose from the various options available to you in any moment.

Taking care of yourself and your own needs does not mean that you ignore others, as part of this work is to also tend to the needs of others as well. Each soul has the responsibility to embrace their real story, wounds and traumas to prepare to receive a greater amount of light, so that their consciousness level keeps expanding.

Opening to this and asking your questions by owning and committing to your intentions, will keep you firmly on the path to a higher understanding, and help you to continue moving into a higher dimension.

The path is there before you and you progress at precisely the speed that suits you.

You have all infinity in which to evolve and tou are under no pressure to progress except at a rate that you feel comfortable with.

You may have done the hard work by releasing most of the lower energies. Now you can be more ambitious and set your sights much higher than previously. There is no need to feel that somehow you have failed, simply because when you lifted the vibrations the incoming energies could be thoroughly grounded through you. That set the grid in place that is now able to lift you even further away from fear.

Love is taking over, which is your assurance that you will now advance more quickly and receive the advantages of your possible future in the now.

Remember that all exists in the now waiting for you to own your real story and manifest exactly what you desire through a whole system map of interconnectivity and unified field integration.

Ready to tell the new story?

At different times you have been given sufficient details to know what to expect, and as the new paradigm takes over you shall have every opportunity to benefit from entering the new age of alchemizing possibilities into reality.

As you experience periods of uncertainty, soon you will both notice and feel the changes taking place. This is the result of a general upliftment in consciousness levels, or unified field intelligence if you will, because it will bring about a new humanitarian attitude, systemic thinking, social innovations and willingness to move our civilization into a more sustainable and peaceful experience.


What you can do now

Are you truly committed to yourself and your new story?

What I can promise you is this: if you fully invest in this process 15 minutes a day for 90 days, your life WILL be transformed in ways you cannot possibly imagine at this moment AND your dreams will begin to reveal themselves before your very eyes.

If you are leaning towards no, don’t do it and see what happens. If you are leaning towards your alchemy of yes, you are about to change your life completely!

Are you ready?

There is so much emphasis on speed in our modern world.  We are so busy doing everything fast and furiously so we can get back to the “important” things in our life, we have lost track of what IS important.

This is a simple way get back on track and fast track your real and new story, your dreams, wealth and abundance. It will only take you 15 minutes a day. Do this if you are fully committed and willing to see dramatic changes in yourself and your world.

There is so much emphasis on speed in our modern world.  We are so busy doing everything fast and furiously so we can get back to the “important” things in our life, we have lost track of what IS important.

This is a simple way get back on track and fast track your real and new story, your dreams, wealth and abundance. It will only take you 15 minutes a day. Do this if you are fully committed and willing to see dramatic changes in yourself and your world.

15 Minutes Journaling to Success Recipe

Day Dreams Are For Everyone

Five minutes each day, step into your own time and quiet heart space. Create a narrative about what you want your life to look like tomorrow, next week, two years from now. Whatever time period you desire. This is your time. Choose a new destination time each day.

If you were to step into this time, set the dial to whatever day in the future you would like and say YES! As you arrive at your destination, write down exactly what you see, feel, hear, smell, and touch.

Never describe this as what it “will be like” or “what is going to happen”. Describe it and make the telling real enough so you can taste the satisfaction, enjoyment, fulfillment and joy in every nuance, every second as you reveal its juiciness. The narrative is always in present time.

The more you feel the passion in every word you write, what I call inspired flow writing, the more of an energetic vibration you create which draws the experience to you.

Science has proven that your mind does not know the difference between your “make-believe” images which create a magnetic vortex with your passionate feelings and the “make-believe” negative desires you have been creating for the things you don’t want. As you write, feel the energy building within you of this experience.

You feel the picture, the visions. . . you’re feeeeling every phrase, savoring every detail as you go along. Each day create a scene from your trip in your time journey.

Alchemize Your Day Dream

Alchemizing is a process of melting and transforming a lower state and substance, like steel and iron, into gold and new substances and making it better than before. Thus the next five minutes will do just that.

After you have taken the trip in your time journey, written down the experience for five minutes, it’s time to heat it up. Nothing creates this gold and refreshed state more quickly than stillness.

In the next five minutes of your day, sit in quiet stillness and allow your journal entry to wash over you as in a fresh breeze. As you sit in stillness, allow your body to become limp, relax into allowing the vision to become you. Pay attention to each breath in and out and know that the entire five minutes are creating the reality of your vision. Think only thoughts of the vision or of your breath. Nothing more, nothing less. Feel your body wisdom.

Turn On Your Dream

Have you ever noticed that when you fall in love how everything seems right with the world? Being in love creates a vibrational frequency that changes mundane flat-lining days into exotic experiences.

There is one other path to this frequency and that is forgiveness and appreciation. It is profound and the closest thing to universal love that exists. When you are forgiving and appreciating, you are in harmony with your creative source

Once again feeling comes into play. It is not about “thinking” forgiveness and appreciation. That does not create the vibration you are looking for. There has to be a surge of significant emotion flowing upward from the depths of your soul for this to be effective.

The last and final five minutes spend appreciating your life as it is now. Write 5 things you appreciate in your life right now. As you write these things let the energy flow buckets of love, adoration, gratefulness and appreciation for it.

Something as simple as a gust of wind or a wave in the ocean can be on this list. As you appreciate each item, add it on your list and feel the buzz in your body of full out love, gentle sweetness, kindness, empathy or preciousness.

Just let the sensation roll over you as you write your list. As you float on the vibration of this grace, awareness and appreciation, you will allow the energy to pull in more of the good into your life. Blast each entry with this energy of love and appreciation.

That’s it. Simple right?

If you’re allowing your resistant limitations, judgement or programming to say things like “too simple”, “yeah right”? Just know that I’ve done this for years, had clients do it for years, also in my deeply transformational ICI Ecourse, and the results are always the same, INCREDIBLE!

Please share this wonderful exercise on facebook and let us know your progression : )

For Your Alchemy,



Author of ‘The Quiet Evolution’ a five part book series on human evolution and leadership. The first forthcoming books are: ‘Being – The Quiet Evolution’ and ‘Leading – The Quiet Evolution’

“‘The Quiet Evolution’ is far from quiet in the sense that by following this path, we create a new world. We do it quietly, naturally, by activating the full range of human capacities and new knowledge to fulfill our divine destiny as cocreators of the emerging world. I am delighted that Katrine has been one of my students and is carrying the potential of our conscious evolution so far into the world.”

Barbara Marx Hubbard, founder Foundation for Conscious Evolution

P.S. I would love to hear the spectacular results you have with this recipe.

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