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Are You A Storyteller? Embrace Your Story With The Beginners Mind

Are You A Storyteller? Embrace Your Story With The Beginners Mind

Photo: Katrine Legg Hauger, Sørstranda, Filtvet, Norway 2011

Today I invite you to contemplate the beginners mind. Maybe this is about contemplating your own story?

Maybe, little by little, if you keep this in mind, you can approach your story and the alchemy of your heart more easily?

Maybe, one day, you can feel this in your bones and own your true story. The different story.

The story only you can tell, and that the world is waiting for.

This is what I did when I told some of my story in my best selling book. I also tell small stories when I’m interviewed as a speaker in series and events.

The stories I tell and write are my truths. I share my own experiences.

Maybe somebody need to hear this truth of mine?

Maybe my stories even resonate with your story an your experiences?

The old stories can only be the beginning of something new.

To me these stories are connecting the future and the past in the now. I find this a beautiful thing and my heart sings when I write this.

We can all tell stories that can change the world.

Because we all matter. We all belong.


We are all interconnected in the weave of life

Like in this photo of the small colonies of shells on a rock under the water.

Like silver and gold threads, we are all connected. At the same time we are unique individuals, gifted with our own stories and with the free will of choosing how to breath, live, evolve and connect to both our inner and our outer world, each and every moment of our daily life.

We cannot be or live anything else than the imperfect perfection.

There is no perfection. There is only life to be breathed and lived to the fullest in every moment that we are gifted with.

Your heart, body and soul knows when you are living your life to the fullest.

What is the key?

Never forget the notion of the beginners mind

Love and live your questions.

Be patient. Have trust in something bigger than yourself.

Never let yourself be separated from your experiences and your own true realities. Your true life story.

Unconscious ideas of spirituality, romance, guilt, arrogance , illusions and surviving strategies, are examples of strategies and mindsets mostly resulting of unconsciously trying to connect with our mothers, or fathers, and can very easily get in the way of our own reality.

I see this in my work within healing and psychotherapy.

Parts of our souls are most often still trying to reach out for our parents, trying to heal the wounds from multigenerational and former lifetimes entanglements since entering this timeline of life, or more visible maybe, but still often subconscious or unconscious, loss, traumas and disappointments in early childhood.

Connection is everything

Vulnerability is everything.

Shame, fear, pain and distrust are strong forces running our lives if we don’t stop so that we both physically, mentally and spiritually can recognize and integrate these natural forces within us.

We very often don’t actually see the people behind the labels.

My experience will never be the same for you.

Approach your own absolute place of presence, attention and experience, for finding your true intention.

Uncover the unconditional love and the wholehearted spirit you are.

Discover, embrace and integrate all that you are.

You don’t have to search. Rest your intention.

Does this seem too easy?

Trust your beginners mind. Every second of your life.

There is nothing but unpredictability. That is the birth place of creation and the ever evolving mystery of life.

Yet there is hope. If you trust life.

What you are looking for is what you are

When contemplating you transcend the activity of the mind and body of having a direct experience of your own soul.

Be very gentle and easy on yourself. Be present with your breath. Feel your timelessness.

Breath in your intention. Be kind with yourself. Relax and don’t give up.

Raise your awareness. Get inspired by the mystery and alchemy of your heart. Like a child.

What you do is always in your best interest. Attention is love. The currency of your soul is attention.

The present loving soul is your attention. Your body language.

Your experiences.

Your story.

Never let your mind get in way of your own experience

You are all ready what you are looking for. Own this truth just for a moment.

Be in the stillness of your own soul.

Fill the precious pauses of your breath, after inhaling, after exhaling, with your own full attention.

Breath in I Am.

Listen outside labels, listen.. and I’ll meet you there.

I’m a storyteller

Are you?

I’m a visionary storyteller. A creative storyteller. Some will say a futurist and even a provocative storyteller.

My vision is to tell the new story. The new news. My story.

The collective story.

To inspire you to awaken to your story and your reality.

We can all change the world with our stories.

We can all tell the story of evolution in each and every human being. The story of the hidden truths.

If we listen carefully, we can all approach, integrate, express and share the story of our soul, through the language of our bodies.

Maybe you too get inspired to write your small stories while enjoying peace, sun and summer?

The smallest stories are often the greatest stories.

The words not written are as potent as the words written.

You are welcome to share your thoughts, experiences and stories with us here in this blog  : )

For Your Alchemy



2 Responses to Are You A Storyteller? Embrace Your Story With The Beginners Mind

  1. Wonderful message, very powerful being authentic, but at the same time, can be challenging. I agree we all need to begin a new story for ourselves.

    • Dear Jennifer,

      Thank you for your sharing and your comments : ) And thank you for your kind words : )

      Yes, I agree, being authentic to oneself is both powerful and challenging. I love the words in the heart of challenge lies grace.

      To me this is a deep journey, and sometimes a painful journey of reckognizing my reality as it is, integrating the physical and soulful wounds from my own ancestors, roots, life and traumas, but also in growing and building a more grounded, connected, integrated and conscious personal base, leading to insights and teachings, the new story, for myself and for others. I will share more of my personal journey in my books, but I will also share some here. I’ll put one foot in front of the other. One day at a time.

      Thank you for following me, love Katrine <3