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Welcome To A Rich Colourful Bouquet Of Inspirational Possibilities, Gifts And Surprices!

Are you ready for a colourful bouquet of inspiration?

“Anything can be your wings”

Artwork © Antonia Wibke Heidelmann, 2012

Today I am sharing some personal experiences and some beautiful opportunities and possibilities for you to thrive!

Never forget you have all your answers in your own heart. That you are your own master. You are Alchemy.

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want ~ Lao Tzu

Have an inspiring colourrich inspirational look at our final piece of the Global Art!

I am so proud of being able to share my own Iconic Essence and being included by beautiful iconic Laura Hollic, Soul Art studio, as a part of this uniting thriving piece of Global Art!

What a glorious new Tribe of new Icons!

Here are some photos of the process…. a little chaotic, but it is coming together beautifully…

Global Art Process

As you maybe can imagine, this Global Vision Quest has been a spectacular, refreshing, inspiring event and experience!

I am so honored to be co-creating this new paradigm with Laura Hollick and so many beautiful iconic people across the borders!

You can see them all here:

Pure magic! Curious about the final result?

Watch for yourself and see how it all comes together…. Beautiful? And, I am so touched by that cat following the whole process of this uniting global co-creation <3 <3

Here is the video of the final piece of the Global Art:

Alchemy Evolution Summit™ 2012 with Global Alchemists UNITING for Your Health, Wealth & Abundance!

We are in week tree of a total of 8 weeks, and the calls until now have been so inspirational for all of us, both for the expert speakers, for me as your host, and for thousands of listeners gathering from all the world – co-creating and making this journey together!

We have had amazing transforming calls with 6 of a total of 23 magnificent world leaders, authors, healers, shamans, visionaries and heartcentered entrepreneurs.

Each of these 23 experts are presenting you with free event gifts, surprises and special event offers!

You are able to listen to replays for 48 hours, and also to upgrade to receiving all of the calls on mp3’s for downloading and listening to whenever you want the rest of your life. Specially reduced earlybird price is ending November : )

I am so greatful for being able to share this thriving uniting space with all of you, and being able to share and experience this alchemical inspirational Life and Business LOVEFEST – An Evolutionary New Wave Paradigm of Spiritual Practice, Leadership and Alchemy Mastering!

More surprices from me!!

I have more surprices coming up – by now I want to include one of the new surprices in our event. The International Oneness Day is next week, and I want us to be a part of that tribe too.

I will offer you all a beautiful alchemical guided meditation and activation – one hour where you can be in your own stillness – your inner space and just being you <3

I will announce the free access details for my guided meditation in the details for attendees when it’s all ready.

Still possible to sign in and join our tribe : )

It is still possible to be a part of our inspiring community and sign in to our global uniting Lovefest! Sign in and watch our video presenting the expert participants!

I was deeply honored to welcome Kenji Kumara in Wednesdays call!

In Kenjis free call he presented you with the Alchemy of Unveiling The Mystery Of Divine Connection: Breaking through the veil of forgetfulnes.

You can still experience Kenji Kumara’s incredible space and deep activation – wooow – in our replay – for releasing yourself from the limitations of tribal consciousness and limited thought.

He presented a brief overview of planetary changes and what perspectives are needed for one’s awakening and realization of one’s power. So many greatings, this is some of what our listeners experienced. Thank you Kenji <3

This was most profound. My deep apprication and love, Vicky

Excellent! Michael

Dear precious Kenji that was the most beautiful experience of my whole life I want lots more of these teachings your system is easy when will be the next one all my love Catherine, New zealand

Thanks for a great show with Kenji Kumara and he did lots of new stuff, which is great for his loyal followers. Paul

Thank You Katrine, Sweet Spirit, for having Kenji here – my favorite teacher. Love to you and Kenji, and to all here on this call (and everyone who listens to the replays).

Kenji I love the way you teach it comes so pure and easy to understand because it comes from your heart thank you for the great example you are.

Dear Master Kenji, thank you so much for your energetic transmissions to activate the alchemy evolution. Great stuff. I feel so relaxed and happy. Namaste

Kenji. You rock !!!! Yes Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

In addition I warmly welcome Dr. Dan Booth Cohen in our next free call!

Dr. Cohen, whom I have met myself in one of his several workshops in Norway, during my Certified Constellator education at Hellinger Institute in Norway, is a Constellator, Author, Alchemist and President at Systemic Constellations Conferences and Education.

He first studied the history of alchemy and nuclear science at Northwestern University. Then he was a co-founder of an engineering firm that specializes in energy and water conservation, a former strategic planning consultant to the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and a founding member of the City of Cambridge (MA) Peace Commission.

Dan is the author of “My Heart is in Your Heart”, a book based upon his 5 years of work with family constallations healing of lifesentenced prisoners serving long-term sentences for violent crimes, mostly life-without-the-possibilityof-parole for murder.

Dan considers himself an alchemist in the historic and mystic traditions, and will also guide us into the historic meaning of alchemy. Dan is fascinated by alchemy, but haven’t talked that much about this approach before. However, it is really in the background, guiding his philosophy and understanding all through his life and profession.

His theme for this call is: Alchemy of the Heart: You had an unhappy childhood -> Your children can have a happy childhood Your parents had a difficult relationship -> You and your partner can be happy together Your past had many hardships -> Your life can be free of the pain of the past.

To learn more about all the participants or sign in for free calls and many many free gifts, enter the link below:

You are all also free to like, ask your questions to the speakers during our calls, share, comment, reflect and interact in our amazing special Alchemy Evolution Summit Movement facebookpage!

Do you have any feedback for us?

If you have signed into our Alchemy Evolution Summit 2012 all ready, we would be very grateful if you write a few words about your experiences with your host or the speakers – reflections, transformations, suggestions, ahas or testimonials, in facebookpage or directly to

As this is my very first event like this, your feedback, good or bad, will guide us, make us better, increase the group energy for all participants, and definitely boost the speaker participants, who are making this Thriving Vibrant Energetic Life and Business Lovefest for you!

I have even more for you… <3

Welcome to the upcoming free “Retrain Your Brain: 21 Days to Success” Series

I am deeply honored and grateful for being invited by my friend and colleague,  Gretchen Duhaime, to be one of the expert speakers among her magnificent speaker line-up!

Gretchen Duhaime is also one of the speakers in Alchemy Avolution Summit 2012, whom I had the great pleasure of introducing to you all yesterday!

She taught us “3 Sure-Fire Ways to Get More Done”. Gretchen is a mother, coach,  healer and lawyer who shows executive-level moms and parents how to simplify their schedules – guilt-free and income-rich!—calendar nirvana.

Her cut to the point and refreshing joyous call will still be awailable for you all to listen to for free today and tomorrow… : )

Gretchen will be announcing the speaker lineup for her 21 Days to Success series today! Yuhuu!

“Retrain Your Brain: 21 Days to Success” speakers have varied backgrounds, trainings, tools and techniques that all have the common purpose of opening possibilities – for healing, for soul recovery, for inspiration, for success, and more!

My interview is scheduled to broadcast on November 7th, and I will also present you all with a very special event guided meditation.

The purpose of this web summit is to connect people with their inner wisdom; their higher guidance. The 21 days of meditations provide the time and space for contemplation, journeying, and stillness necessary to allow that wisdom and guidance to be heard by the active brain.

The interviews and the meditaions are free to listen in on the web. You can find the link and sign in to this refreshing healing “21 Days to Success” Series her:

If you find this exciting, please share this link with your friends via email, social media, smoke signals, etc.!

I’m really awed and humbled by peing part of this series. Join us, you are warmly welcome : )

The art of living, breathing and acting your colours – your creative gifts

Thomas Edison once said: “The beauty of a great idea lies in the art of using it.”

Feel your unique waves and waters. Only then, you can surf your waves.

Acknowledge your emotions, feelings, roots, your history, today and your future.

Alchemize your trust for creativity. Love your energy. Live your actions! Have fun <3

What do you think?

What are your experiences?

Please tell me about what inspire you, comment below, or share this blog discussion in social media if this resonnates with you.

Sharing is Caring <3

Enjoy your refreshing Autumn Day!

For Your Alchemy,

Katrine : )

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