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Celebration Of Global Oneness Day Embrace Your Alchemy

“Motherlove” Channeled Drawing © Antonia Wibke Heidelmann 2012

Dear Alchemist

I See You

We are all children of an expansive Universe, the first word, God’s idea…

Then, how can people see Gaia as broken, or needing fixing?

If we remember ourselves and Gaia from that perspective, everything will change.

If we hold something as broken, it always will be.

Let us believe in a peaceful world.

Peace is hope.

Co-creation is hope.

Unifying is hope.

Our task is not to teach anyone.

Our task is to remember.

Gratitude. Love. Hope.

See yourself and Gaia as beautiful.

You have to catch up to your own beauty to experience it.

Not from a place of deeming what you think Gaia should be as such.

Act from a place that allows the highest vibration to be birthed.

Gold is still gold whether it needs polishing or not.

Alchemy is alchemy wheter you see it or not.

That is the secret of alchemy.

The beauty of alchemy.

The beauty of you being.

Allow it all to shift within yourself in a place of blessing.

You will plant seeds of hope in other persons lives.

In their heart.

Without them never ever knowing that you did.

Do not question your motives.

You silently move more love into everyones life around you.

Become a living presence of that which is sacred.

Allow that which is sacred in to everything that you perform.

Through silence, stillness and deep inner inspection.

Listen to the voice of your inner wisdom.

You will re-connect with all that you are.

With your multidimensional being.

Receive the light language of the higher frequencies of reality.

You are Art. You are Alchemy.

You are we.

We are you.

All people search your particular vibratory field.

Your energy escort people to different aspects of themselves.

We all have all aspects.

We all carry each others hearts.

We all belong.

They may never say thank you.

You may never know you touched them forever.

The last vibration that ever lived was hope.

It is the qi, the stars, Gaia and her heart – that holds the hope for all of humanity.

But Qi, or Gaia, does it strongly and silently.

Without drama.

Withour judging.

With pure intent.

Knowing that with that singular thought or breath situations can be shifted.

That is your thruth on this day.

Do not be afraid to speak what is in your heart.

But do not see if the seeds has sprouted.

Do not chech into everyday to see if there are roots upon what has been planted.

Know that they grow.

Because they are in this field of love.

Of our hope and possibility.

Live in your heart. Be your heart.

Trust your heart.

Without fear. Without doubt.


Breathing is a an act of solidarity.

I see you.

I see all of you and it’s beautiful.

So be it.


“Starseed Heritage” Channeled Drawing © Antonia Wibke Heidelmann 2012,

For Your Alchemy

Katrine : )

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