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An Invitation To Step Into The Space That Matters For You

First of all, Happy Shift to everyone!

Today is the Winter Solstice and the much awaited end of the Mayan Calendar. On this special day I invite you to let your body and soul matter! Before I present you with my turning points gifts for you, I encourage you to ask yourself: “Do I really matter to me?”

Welcome to Your Shift Your Alchemy Video!

In 2013 we will be going through some momentous energetic shifts.

Are you ready to vision into and even express your intention today? Are you ready to step into what matters to you?

Did you know that scientists have found that 90% of our DNA is inactive. This ‘inactive’ 90% carries our higher power and hidden abilities. This is the time for releasing anything that is not for your highest good; any thoughts, any beliefs, any situations, any people, any forms or objects. You can ask them to release themselves from you, knowing that something better always comes for everything you release. I invite you to open to receive your higher good in every area of your life.

Let your body and soul matter! Ask yourself: “Do I really matter to me?”

When you matter to you, you will focus and make it matter. Every moment is another point of choice! Open up to your life force, allow it flow through you in your stillness and speak your voice. Expression releases a lot of your blocks and old programming!

I myself choose gratitude every moment for the gifts I am receiving in the spiral of life remembering – which for me represents life breathing and alchemy living. Just really imagine for a moment if you could:

Stay calm in your own stillness

Finally live the life you were meant to?

Create miracles beyond what you can wish for?

Ascend to your dream life now?

Release any blocks, fears and challenges?

Unlock and activate the DNA strands blocking your unlimited power?

I believe we all can restore us self to that place of choice and restoration. This is why I call out today to you to co-create a video!

Please, whether you want to be a part of this Video or not, make sure you spend some quiet time contemplating and writing down exactly what you’d like to create and experience in this new world we are dreaming and weaving into being.

Maybe you want to share some reflections below in the comment field? I love your sharings!

You are a powerful creator with every word, thought and deed you have

What are you choosing?

The questions you are to answer on a piece of paper for this co-creating Video are;

1) Do you matter to you?

2) Are you ready to step into what matters to you?

3) What are you manifesting the new paradigm to be? Please list the 3 main key-words that are most important to you.

Please deliver your answer/key words by sending me your photo of yourself where you hold your piece of paper or something like that with your answers in front of you, your webpage/blogepage url if you want, and your e-mail, by due date 13.02.2013 through this form:

After gathering your photo, I will create and share our video – a video that is YOUR co-creation!

I believe this video will be a truly joyful and inspiring! I believe your photos and words will be really amazing and inspiring for everyone to open up for bringing forth their intentions for their future!

I am soo looking forward to this! Good luck  : )

Let’s celebrate 21.12.12 and choose this date to be a turning point

The excitement for 2012 to become a turning point year has been building all year long. At last we are at our most important choice point as we approach this date today. Millions are anticipating this time and space as a profound opportunity to mark a new beginning for a better world to live in.

We ask our selves; “Do we as a human family commit fully to creating a world that works for all?”

Or, do we continue our lives in the old ways and with it the old results? Millions around the world are unifying to say “yes” to a new possibility for humanity, using the start of a new Mayan calendar cycle as an auspicious marker point.

It is certainly a time of new beginnings. I certainly believe we have a portal of initiation into a new higher consciousness. We are co-creators of a new dawn of love, light and unity on Mother Earth. However, only you can choose to align with this as we all have free will to do what we choose.

Join me and many others as we celebrate the end of a significant cycle of time and a thriving new beginning! If you are like me you believe the end of the Maya Calendar gift us with a time of great change.

An awesome holiday sale: Alchemy Evolution™ Summit Program

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I know how much you’re yearning for attraction, radiance, light and love in 2013 and I hope you know how much I want it for you. Are you ready for a new beginning in 2013? Want to give your friends and family a special x-mas present?

Welcome to this highly educational transformational thrive your life & business LOVEFEST Program! Learn and experience true abundance and success by listening to my interviews with 23 magnificent global soulminded leaders, healers, authors and entrepreneurs!

We are offering you a special Merry Christmas, Blessed Solstice and Happy New Year offer!

See our free promo video and learn more here:

Welcome to upcoming free Global Alchemy Activation™ 2013 Meditation & Ascension Circle

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In an effort to give you every possible chance to give yourself the most important and valuable free gift, I now present you with a unique opportunity! A great gift of self-love!

Ready for a vibrant thriving 2013? Welcome to this highly educational, vibrant, healing and transformational uniting FREE Global Alchemy Activation™ 2013 Meditation Circle!

See our free promo video and learn more here:

Together with me and these 23 magnificent healers and activators we’ll unite, spread love, kindness and hope together, in a massive, synchronized effort around the world designed to put your self-love and humanity on a better path.

I believe you are needed right now to activate the movement of personal and collective evolution. I know you are on the path or you would not be reading this. You are all ready a part of this beautiful shift, and this is your reminder and opportunity to connect with your fellow allies, pledge to spread love, and to join the global celebrations.

This will be a powerful healing opportunity. I am so grateful for your dedication to making this world a better, more peaceful place to live. In my opinion, nothing is more important than creating a harmonious, peaceful place where we can all thrive and evolve.

You are Alchemy! You are Art! You are a Creator!

This is for you if you:

Believe that NOW is indeed the time to bring more light, love and healing to our planet and all of its people…

Imagine a world that truly works for everyone, where peace prevails on earth…

Are ready to see the beginning of a new era of love…

Today and the days to come these energies are very powerful and beneficial. Make sure that you take time out today to sit quietly and receive them ♥

And you know what? Please be gentle with yourself! You are the only self you have…..

You are always welcome to spread the love. Share it, blog it, e-mail it, and enjoy it. Sharing is Caring!

Peace and love to you all and enjoy the special energies that are flowing for the next few days. May you have a joyful holiday season of love and light! And here’s to a Merry Christmas and a spectacular thriving New Year!

For Your Alchemy,


katrine i båt 225x300 In Gratitude I Praise You   A Powerful Way To Say Thank You


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