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Tag Archives: bodyfulness

Be The Womb Of Rebirthing What You Are

Dear Sisters   Congratulations on the International Women’s Day! I am calling you to love yourself! It is only by loving ourselves, our body, mind, spirit, blood, breath, bones and our Being, that we honor those who walked before us. Our ancestors who sat in the red tents in cultures that honored our wisdom and… Continue Reading

Peaceful Prosperity

Do you dare to be different by being yourself? What will life express through you? It’s human to resist change. It’s human to be change. Bring all of what you are into every moment. You are already your present self. You are love. I believe in coherence. I believe in peaceful proseperity. Do you? What… Continue Reading

Embrace Your Inner Evolutionary Impulse

Hello dear fellow travellers, Have you thought about the word emergence? Or, the word coherence? I think coherence is a beautiful word in of itself, as it means the natural agreements and alignments of different parts. I feel and know in my heart that I am emergence every day. I be my emergence. My work… Continue Reading