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Meeting My Soul Family In Baltimore Preparing For Book Launch


Dear all of you,

I have just returned from the beautiful Gramercy Mansion in Baltimore, Maryland, where I experienced four profoundly magic and powerful days with many of my fellow Transformational Author MasterHeart members and co-authors of “Pebbles in the Pond: Transforming the World One Person at a Time (Wave Two).”

What if your biggest challenges, struggles, and heartbreaks were actually preparing you for your greatest Transformation… and Contribution to the world? Can your most difficult moments be the ones that shed the greatest light in your life?

My courageous co-authors and visionaries and myself are sharing our very personal and honest experiences, and say yes!

This is the movie we made : )

Our book became an Official Best Seller within 8 different categories, and was rated #1 Hot New Release of all Motivational Books in Amazon, and rated #1 out of Top 10 Book Recommendations for Summer Reading in Aspire Magazine’s!!


Please go here for more information about the book, bonus gifts and ordering:


An inner calling

Participating in this book was not an option to me, as it was a true calling from my heart, beyond thinking and reasoning.

I knew I needed to share my message globally, and that this was a truly beautiful way of doing it.

As I’ve stepped out and finished the book I have co-authored with some beautiful global authors this month to be released 1st May, I’m reflecting quite a bit on the transformative power of stepping out of your comfort zone.

To me this process of opening myself to the bones for sharing my very personal message to the world has not only been exciting and challenging, but it has been a true transformational and expanding journey of following my hearts inner calling.

I knew I wanted to write and share some of my messages to the world, but what would I write and who would I share it with? How does one just start a writing career?

I have some books within me that I have started writing, but I know it takes some time to write what I know will be finished one day.

One day in September I submitted the application to have my story published in an upcoming book. My intuition, Soul and heart said yes before my mind could react. I was so excited when I saw the announcement in my e-mail;

“Congratulations! You’ve been accepted into our Transformational Author MasterHeart, and will become a published author in Spring 2013 in Wave 2 of the book “Pebbles in the Pond: Transforming the World One Person at a Time!”

What a life changing letter! My first thought was “Oh no! What am I doing? What will others think of my truth?”

However, I knew I needed to do this!

At that point, I had a choice to make. I could say no and continue searching and voicing my truth, or I could accept that this is my path, and receive this as another graceful gift.

I chose the latter.

And here I am today, just 7 months later, completely transformed by allowing the words to flow from my heart onto the pages of a blank page. I’ve transformed my struggles into pure alchemy and potential so that you can do the same if you choose.


On my way to America!

As some of you know, I had not planned for this trip to Baltimore, Maryland, but because I had to postpone my upcoming Global Alchemy Evolution 2013 until 1st April, I decided to leave our kids and Europe for the very first time in my life in the last minute.

The amazing experience of re-uniting with my Soul Family with the sole agenda of entering the empty space in togetherness was truly divine and beyond graceful.

God sure has it’s own ways…

I was drawn to these people beyond time and space, and this was only confirmed when we all met in person during these amazing days.

alle pebbles

I believe in connectedness, the intelligence of the collective field, and I have a profound trust in intentions for co-creating a conscious evolution and integral evolutionary leadership by choice and not chance.

Daring to step outside the comfort zone is a prerequisite for both receiving the gifts of synchronicities, miracles and transformation. It’s an exhilarating and intriguing journey to unexplored potential and growth.

When you dare to step out, you are awakened to greater heights and you cannot help but transform – and every transformation you undergo to move into a bigger, more fulfilling life is a miracle in itself.

I invite you to say “Yes” to yourself and to your life simply by showing up for yourself and what you love.

Then watch for signs of what you deeply seek. The Universe is waiting to deliver to you all you desire with grace, ease and divine love.

I listened to Christine Klosers call with Marianne Williamson the other day, and I love Mariannes question: “Do you believe in a hostile Universe or a friendly Universe?”

Every place that you withold love you deflect the miracles. Its not a matter of ability but about willingness. As below so above. As within so without.

Every story of transformation in this transformational self-help book confirms my belief that anything is possible, that you can transcend your circumstances, whatever they are, and a miracle is always in the making.

I am honoured to be featured in this book with luminaries and visionaries like Christine Kloser, Bo Eason, Barbara Marx Hubbard and New York Times best-selling authors Lisa Nichols, Neale Donald Walsch, and more inspiring beautiful global authors.

I am the author of the chapter:

The Alchemy of Connection – Through Life, Death, and Rebirth

At the Heart of Challenge Lies Grace – Embrace Your Sound Of Silence and Rebirth the Language of Your Soul




While putting myself back into that space with them all in Baltimore, I truly understand why I had this urge and strong inner calling for being a part of this global re-uniting and co-creation.


I want to quote our amazing leader of this gathering, Christine Kloser:

“To say it was transformational simply doesn’t do it justice. To say it was profound, healing, magical, mystical, miraculous, loving and powerful still only expresses a fraction of what happened.”


“We sat, talked, enjoyed meals together, laughed a lot, cried a lot, loved each other and re-united with a soul family we hadn’t met in person before.” 


“Together we experienced what life on earth will be when all of humanity simply loves and accepts each other as themselves.  It was sheer bliss, joy and love, love, love!”


When you say “Yes” to something, prepare to be rewarded


These thoughts are my dear friend and co-author Noni Boon’s words. She also said it so beautifully in this way:

“When 12 authors from around the world sit together in a room for 4 days and 4 nights and talk about how they can help people by sharing their personal struggles, it is a powerful place to be. I thought that a 3 year counselling course changed my life… The people that have shown up here have inspired me beyond belief. I am truly humbled.”

“Each and every one has touched my heart and helped me to transform even more. I can’t wait for you to read their stories, their struggles, their triumphs. Nothing deepens the soul more than connecting with another human being and these brave people open up and welcome you in.”

Help be me

To help give words to this experience, I want to share Christine Kloser’s original poem “Help Me Be.”

This is a poem she wrote as a prayer to the Divine early last year, also included in Pebbles (Wave One) on the Epigraph page.

I can only say from my heart that this is Christine and each of the authors in a nutshelf. They all dare their vulnerability. They all dare their courage. They all own their story. They all share their deepest personal life journey.

This is what I call true ledership.


I experienced Christine’s divine leadership as she totally trusted the forces of true co-creation, by having minimal agenda and opening up to trusting the empty space, allowing what be to enter our space in contemplation and stillness.

vivian hanai

Two examples of this is she followed the energy and vision from within Vivian Hanai, to co-create a video for promoting our book there and then.

We are so much looking forward to sharing this video with you when it is ready : )

The other example is she trusted me facilitating intentions- and family constellations sessions for her and each one of the fellow authors during a couple of days.

They were all courageous in entering this deep healing work, and they were all representatives for each other for the field to unfold…


This was a true gift for each and everyone, whether being the client, being chosen representatives, or holding the space in the circle as observants.

christinas konstellasjon

To me it was a profound gift being able to facilitate the group as a constellator, and to be in service for something greater than us all.

We opened up these healing forces by entering the deepest places of our own and our familys Souls, in togetherness in the knowing field, or knowisphere as some call it…


By entering this empty space, we all said yes to allowing profound healings, new insights and sharings from the epigenetic and morphogenetic field, surrounding us and within us, to ground and lift our Souls and consciousness to new levels of grounding.

For being, living, breathing, loving and understanding what there is as it is.


Help Me Be…

Strong enough to be vulnerable.

Wise enough to realize how little I know.

Loving enough to embrace my “enemy.”

Tender enough to be powerful.

Smart enough to realize I can’t do it alone.

Brilliant enough to shine the light of others.

Doubtful enough to know the power of faith.

Courageous enough to share my truth.

~ Christine Kloser

christine kloser

Change the World by Raising Your Vibration

You are welcome to watch one of the author’s, my amazing friend Calli Meister’s, promovideo. She is sharing her long held secret for the first time in our book.

In this live video she is promoting our upcoming book.

We are proud of announcing that Oprah’s Staff and SuperSoulSunday re-tweeted her comment about “We are ENERGY! We have a vibrational resonance and we affect the world! Be the change by loving ourselves”, the theme of her presentation to Simon Fraser University.

You can watch the video here:

Private concert with Bob Sima

On Tuesday we prayed there would be enough snow in Baltimore to cancel my flight back to Norway.

Christine and the rest of us wanted me to stay one more day for the whole Retreat.

And, Christine also prayed it would be not enough snow to prevent the videographer and her friend/singer/songwriter Bob Sima from making it to the retreat for filming and a private concert.


And that’s EXACTLY what happened!  It was truly a miraculous answer to our prayers.

How important is it not to be aware of what intentions we set and wish for.. ; )

all with bob

Although I missed our children and my husband, I was so grateful for another day extra with my people and Bob Sima due to snowstorm flight cancellations in Baltimore and New York…


I want to mention that Christine Kloser also is a part of my amazing Alchemy Evolution Summit Life & Business Lovefest Program that is available for you all to purchase on the right hand side of this webpage.

The next day the weather was fine, and I arrived safely back home in Norway.

What a great gift entering Norway by early Spring and embracing our beautiful children after some days away <3

hender i været

Ready for a Vibrant 2013? Dreaming of Inner Self-Love, Healing & Peace?

Experience your Alchemy of YES Free Pass & Join Thousands Uniting in our Thriving Global Alchemy Activation™ 2013 Awakening Meditation & Activation Circle!

Allow each of your experiences, especially the tough ones, to empower you and add depth to your power and wisdom. So take a deep breath and remember that every challenging step only serves to strengthen the muscles you need to keep going.

Here is the Promo Video and the link to the series:

I also want you to know that you can co-create, spread the love and earn som money by affiliating with me for this upcoming event here:

I am developing my new business, or my life calling as I like to call it, slowly day by day. As you can see I have made some new MasterHeart programs, E-course, and different Alchemy Breakthrough Sessions.

I don’t yet have pay pal systems up or the systems for MasterHeart Membership that I invite you all to be a part of when it’s all ready, but you can get an idea of what is coming : )

If you have some ideas or thoughts about what you wish from me, my programs or systems, I would love to hear from you.

This is also the case if you know of some amazing persons that can provide this technical support.

Also, if you know Oprah, please connect me with her so we can spread the global pebbles in the pond from all over the globe to the whole world ; )


What are your intentions?

You are welcome to comment, reflect and share this blog and your thoughts with me and your people.

We are all on this journey of life together and I love interacting, so we can create a non-judgemental open space for questions, sharing and tolerance.

So we be and so we are in the I AM.

Love you all ♥


For Your Alchemy


katrine i båt 225x300 Be The Womb Of Rebirthing What You Are

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