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Invite And Acknowledge Your Emotions For Increased Body Awareness

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf…

Are your emotions confused? Are you speaking, slimming or hiding your feelings in stead of feeling your feelings?

Are you emotional eating or watching too much TV? Are you eating your feelings in stead of feeling your feelings?

Are you trying to make chips, chocolate, alcohol or isolation sedate your anger, solitude, depression or other feelings?

Come out of that trance where you think hiding or eating that chocolatebar or chips is the only way to survive!

You basically need to endorse it. That’s all.

Our emotions and feelings are like the rainbow

You all have all specters of emotions and feelings in your body. It’s like the rainbow – with all its shades and colours.

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry…

However, most often, we have been taught to hide, suppress or freeze our emotions to fit into our circumstances, or for blind love or lojalty to our own origin and family system, or our other systems of primary or secondary conscious systems.

True deep emotions, wounds and traumes never disappear – unless they are truly acknowledged. They travel and constantly move from one place to the next – never finding rest – until it finds some acknowledgement, attention and love.

I guess you all have heard that what you resist persist, the true nature of traumas. Traumas, unless acknowledged and bodily integrated, become stronger and stronger throughout your life.

Even though you detest and resist them, their connected feelings and patterns continue shaping and limiting your daily life, your free expression, harmony, creativity and true selflove, increasing in intensity, persistence and stubborness.

These are the main causes for any addiction; alcohol, smoking, painkilling and depression medicaments, over- or undereating, and any survival strategy, to consciously, or most often unconsciously, when there eg. are systemic traumas, block, suppress, flight, freeze or escape from your true self – your own inner soul and living body.

Our survival strategies when in danger

Actually, this is a beautiful solution and your own protection. When there is real danger!

In a historical percpective,  human beings have often been saved or survived by these automatically survival fight or flight bodily reactions. We can thank ourselves and our bodies for being alive. Yes, we survived and we have been given our life!

However, when you are not in actual danger – or your mind, programs or illutions believe or think there is a danger -when it is not actually a danger – then these many survival mechanisms can be really hard to live by.

You risk ending up sick, constrained, overworking, overacting, limited, too talkative, too spiritual, too sceptic, too silent, feeling guilty, heavy, confused, entangeled, isolated or unhappy.

By living from your head and being completely separated and detatched from your body, you risk totally loosing yourself – your inner piece, true selfworth and selflove.

This again leading not only to illness, stress, autoimmune symptomes, unclearlessness and so, but to not truly being able to love another human being in a grown up way, or being able to see and free your children as parents.

Many people become judgemental, constantly thinking right-wrong, possible-impossible, them-us, discussing fault and who was wrong, in stead of discussing the case and the solutions as such – without criticisms and blaiming the other part.

All this without even understanding why. And, the war with it’s existential suffering or surviving is over for most of us.

In your total vulnerability lies your perfect safety

And, as most of you all know; it’s all about yourself. You can never change another being. You are what you love, not what others love in you.

That is probably why Aristotle said; “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

However, solutions to these challenges are easier than you should think!

We have learned that life is difficult. Life is not for amateurs. We need to work hard or sacrifice ourselves.

We don’t see the things as they are, we see things as we are ~ Katrine Legg Hauger

What about activating and empowering your inner wise self?

What is the you of you that is backing yourself up?? What is the you of you that is supporting you and really alleigning you to manifest?

Most people, 80-85 %, know they have an inner wise self, a part of themselves, saying, oh yeah, I know about this part in myself, a higher consciousness, soul, spirit, or a higher self, but they don’t use it!

They don’t ask it for help.

Ask yourself for help and support

Everything is energy.

Everything you can imagine is real  ~ Pablo Picasso

Thus, it can never hurt or be less helpful to get to know yourself a little better.

Ask questions! Trust your own questions and your own answers. Live, love and acknowledge your questions and ALL of your emotions.

Trust the simple fact that everything is energy.

Consider, eg. emotional eating as I mentioned earlier: Are you eating your feelings in stead of feeling your feelings?

Are you trying to make chips, chocolate, alcohol or isolating sedate your anger, solitude, depression or other feelings?

There are some ways to endorse it!

Here is how you can express yourself so that your feelings know they are being attended to.

Too many staff them down with alcohol, medicines, or freeze them in place because they don’t have time for them now..

How often have you experienced not having time to your own life? Running from A to B, working, shopping, driving, caring for your children, in a total time squeeze..?

So, there are a lot of unattended feelings coming through that will block your creativity. Block your breathing. Your authentic self and your freedom.

Love and true selfcare gets too difficult. If only there were 30 hours and not only 24 hours…. THEN everything would be easier…

Endorse and acknowledge your feelings and emotions

However, in only a few seconds, you too can take care of your feelings.

Take positive action in your own life, by being passionate for, trust and believe in, the impact of your own body’s ability to retain balance and selfheal.

Invite an integrated healthy lifestyle in your life! Tell yourself it’s about time you are being the whole you!

Welcome your emotions and integrate your body awareness

Invite your bodysoulalchemy and bodyemotions to stay with you – go beyond your head, left brain reasoning, illutions and pure thinking.

Feel and experience your body. Allow your body to FEEL an to BE. What it is. For some minutes.

Sometimes it is easier than you think. More natural than you think.

As soon as you can identify a feeling; Call out and say:

“I invite you to sit with me for a while.”

Invite, eg. your anger, pain, vulnerability or loneliness to join you, when you recognize your particular feeling.

Maybe, after some while in total stillness, acceptance, selflove and acknowledgement, you will realize you actually are in the presence of your own sadness, loneliness or vulnerability.

Maybe you even can feel the energy approaching you carefully. Softly. The emotion, of eg loneliness or sadness, is holding your hand.

When you can acknowledge you are holding hand with your own sadness or loneliness – you can be free to see and to love your loneliness or sadness….

Maybe tell it you are right here… Right here to care and breathe the pain or sorrow along with it. Tell it you are home now. Melt into it. Become one or whole. With all that you be.

Maybe you even can laugh a bit in between your silent tears. Feel you are alive with all there is. Nothing added. Nothing removed. From your alchemy – your authentic self.

Remember that your feelings never have a head

A sad feeling can only feel sad. The feeling of vulnerability can only feel vulnerable.

A little bit love and attention from yourself can change that feeling.

Maybe you can tell him or her:

“Dearest Sadness, Loneliness, Vulnerability or Angsiety: I see you, I hear you, I acknowledge you.”

And, sadness or loneliness will immediately soften and try to change shape.

Beacuse it knows it has been listened to or attended to, freeing it from turning away or hide.

You will feel it integrating back into your body again. When you become friends with it, it might even disappear, and you feel light and even joyful again.

React from your wise self?

The beautiful results of these moments is that you will not react according to your feelings anymore.

You are going to respond with your inner wise self.

You will really change your emotinal landscape. This will change your outwords landscape. Your own body awareness.

In the old days children were punished or sent to their room to handle their feelings and emotions. All by them selves, alone with their guilt. Alone with their feelings.

Many were not even allowed to have or experience certain feelings. They were only allowed to have one feeling at a time.

They had to hide, either by creating their own inner self criticizer and the strictest judge, by highly programmed or well developed consciences, that you had to feel what other people expected of you.

You were not good enough when you were your true self. When your body spoke, it was not accepted or acknowledged by your parents, yourself, friends, school.. You had to hide yourself. Pretend that you were somebody else. Hide in your own room. Away from the sight of your parents. Escape from your own authentic body awareness.

BE ALL that you are

Love what you are. ALL of your emotions are your guides for new learning. New hope and new possibilities. Never escape from your own body – your emotions or the silent whispering of your heart, soul and body.

Always remember that in your own true vulnerability lies your own total freedom…

Trust it is possible.

Give the whole of you your own inner love note

It is possible to find inner piece, integrate all that we are and align with our body. For all of us.

Tell your inner self your own personal messsage

Talk to yourself – and acknowledge the whole rich being you are. As often as possible, even every day, if possible.

My inner self is very in love with me, so it uses a rich and loving language. However, everybody speaks differently. Some speak bluntly and plainly, some just have a few lines.

It’s all about feeling the energy of it, and letting this be an inspirational example…

This is not only the higher self talking to the little human you… Think of it as a being beeing in communication with all of you, the whole human you.

So, there is no separation.

It’s not like; You are going to talk to your guide or your higher self – but it’ s you, – and it’s you – and here now – and now, – and now. It’s an active embodyment and empoweringment of yourself.

Here is my message to myself as an inspiration:

“My dearest, endlessly loving kind human sun wisdom soul heart.., called Katrine.

I completely adore you. Wherever you go, whatever happens, however you think, feel or behave, I am there, loving you unconditionally.

Nothing you did, or ever can do, will change that.

I want you to feel and see the width of your magnificent wingspen, your source, your deepest roots, and the depth of your inner true love.

I want you to experience your beauty, and let it flow into the world even more. You are me and I am you. We are one with all that is. Every living being that is.

We are all like drops in the ocean. I acknowledge that we are not only a drop in the water, but the whole ocean is in every drop. In each and everyone of us.

I wish for you to release everything that is not that. Concistently and willingly. With great tenderness and immence radience.

You are a star. Your children are starseeds. Not only to shine, but to twinkle, to glow, to travel and illuminate – and join other stars. And to show up and glow.

Never be afraid of your own power as a grounded loving light and human being on this rich Mother Earth.

I see you in your resistences and your struggels, and your intolerances, and in your unwillingness and judgements, selfcriticisms, worrys and fears.

I bless them all, and I know they are part of your divine agitation, like lava creates new land.”

Never forget you have all your answers in your own heart. You are your own master.

You are Alchemy.

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want ~ Lao Tzu

The art of contemplating and acting

Thomas Edison once said: “The beauty of a great idea lies in the art of using it.”

Feel your unique waves and waters. Only then, you can surf your waves.

Acknowledge your emotions, feelings, roots, your history, today and your future.

Alchemize your trust for creativity. Love your energy. Live your actions!

What do you think?

What are your experiences?

Please tell me if this works for you, comment below, or share this blog discussion in social media if this resonnates with you.

Sharing is Caring <3

Enjoy your Early Autumn Day!

For Your Alchemy,

Katrine : )

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